

AI & Hearing Aids: How AI Is Helping Those With Hearing Loss

by Editorial Staff

AI is shaking up every field thanks to giant leaps in computer power, the availability of extensive data sets, and some remarkable discoveries. This revolutionary wave is smoothly entering audiology, the study of hearing.

Empowering Solar: How AI is Revolutionizing Energy Harvesting and Optimization

by Editorial Staff

In this article, we explore how AI is making a big impact on solar energy, talking about important innovations and what they mean for the future of renewable energy.

Building Inclusive AI: Strategies for Training Against Racism

by Editorial Staff

Dive into our latest blog post for essential insights on fostering diversity and equity in artificial intelligence.

Balancing AI Exploration: Educator Best Practices for Student AI Interaction

by Editorial Staff

Our mission is to equip you with the knowledge, strategies, and resources needed to navigate the AI revolution with confidence, ensuring that AI serves as a valuable partner in education rather than a replacement for the human touch.

Machine Learning Terms: A Glossary

by Editorial Staff

Whether you’re researching bachelor’s or master’s machine learning programs, reading the news, or trying to parse job postings, you’re liable to encounter a host of terms that might not be immediately recognizable. To make your life easier, we’ve assembled this list of machine learning terms for your reference.

AI vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning: What’s the Difference?

by Editorial Staff

But the question remains: how is artificial intelligence (here meaning weak AI) different from machine learning and deep learning? In truth, it’s not so much a question of how they are different as what kinds of relationships exist between them. In the end, it’s quite simple. Machine learning is a subdiscipline of artificial intelligence focused on the development of mathematical algorithms that allow computers to progressively improve their capabilities. Deep learning is a method of machine learning that employs artificial neural networks comprising layers of nodes inspired by the brain’s neurons.

What’s the Impact of Machine Learning in Business?

by Editorial Staff

What’s the impact of machine learning in business once implemented? What do these solutions look like, and what problems are they actually solving? In this article, we’ll dive into the ways machine learning is making a difference for corporations across the world, with use cases that will highlight the real change that machine learning is helping to bring about. We’ll also give you some tips for how you can get involved in the future of machine learning in business, regardless of whether you are contemplating a degree, plotting out your next career move, or a seasoned exec looking to capture the efficiency and productivity benefits of machine learning for your company.

Data Science vs Machine Learning: Which is Right for You, and Why?

by Editorial Staff

Data science and machine learning professionals are in high demand as businesses leverage data-driven decision-making and AI solutions. Learn more about the similarities and differences between the two to figure out which career path is right for you.

Machine Learning Applications: How is Machine Learning Driving Growth in Key Industries?

by Editorial Staff

While we aren’t yet dealing with artificial intelligence like Hal from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey or Samantha from Spike Jonze’s Her, AI technologies are increasingly impacting our everyday lives. This is especially the case for machine learning: from Google Assistant, to UberEATS’s estimated time-of-delivery model, to Spotify’s user-customized playlists, machine learning is making our world more connected, more efficient, and more personalized.

What’s the Impact of Machine Learning in Medicine and Healthcare?

by Editorial Staff

The accelerated deployment of artificial intelligence and machine learning in medicine and healthcare shows no signs of stopping. In 2021, Grand View Research valued the global market for artificial intelligence in healthcare at $10.4 billion and expects this market to grow at a 38.4% compound annual growth rate over the next decade. But how exactly are AI technologies changing the face of healthcare, and how might you contribute to this change? In this article, we’ll explore the impact machine learning is having on patient diagnosis, treatment, and engagement, as well as healthcare administration and drug discovery — and provide some tips for how you might get involved in the future of medicine.

What’s the Future of Machine Learning?

by Editorial Staff

There’s no doubt that machine learning is already a powerful force driving productivity, efficiency, and innovation across almost every industry. Be it high-frequency automated trading in finance, supply-chain streamlining in manufacturing, or autonomous navigation systems in consumer and military vehicles, it’s hard to overstate the impact machine learning is having. In the coming years, we can only expect this impact to grow: by 2028, Grand View Research projects the global AI market to expand by over 40% — with revenues forecasted to top $900 trillion worldwide. But what will this growth look like?